Keynote Speaker & Workshop Presenter

Neil McNerney Keynote SpeakerNeil McNerney, M.Ed., LPC – Keynote and Workshop Speaker

Neil has significant experience in speaking to audiences of any size. He regularly has been invited to speak to professional organizations on a variety of child and family topics. Neil’s speaking style is dynamic, interactive, and humorous! Here is a small list of recent professional speaking engagements:

      • Smart Marriages Conference – multiple workshops on parenting issues
      • Virginia Association of Specialists in Group Work – annual conference keynote – “If You Build It, Will They Come?”
      • American Association of School Counselors – annual conference – “Just Calm Down – Creating Calm in School Families”
      • National Association of Relationship and Marriage Enhancement – annual conference – multiple workshops
      • Virginia School Counselors Association – annual conference – “Just Calm Down!”

If You Build It, Will They Come?

The era of one-way advertising is coming to a close. Newsletters, even emails don’t have the power to attract participants. Learn an up-to-date method of “filling the seats” based on crowd-sourcing, laws of social epidemics, and social marketing.

Just Calm Down!

It’s easy to identify those parents that are too anxious for their children. Neil McNerney has developed a three step plan to deal with anxious parents that will turn a combative situation into a cooperative team.

Homework – A Parent’s Guide To Helping Out Without Freaking Out!

Based on Neil McNerney’s new book. This workshop gives the parenting professional tools to reduce stress within families and increase achievement in students. There are only three ways that parents can lead their children. Learn when to use each one.

Contact Neil

Contact Neil to discuss any specifics including scheduling, honorarium, travel, etc.